Trend alert! Floating eyeliner and how to do it

Trend alert! Floating eyeliner and how to do it
By Rebecca Todd  | Aug 18, 2017

Floating eyeliner you say? Sounds crazy but it's actually pretty cool. It might not be for everyone, but if you want to try something different we'll tell you how.

Floating eyeliner can be worn as part of a colourful eye makeup look or by itself for a simple makeup look that wows. To make this look wearable, as in not too out-there-crazy, we recommend wearing it alone with flawless skin and a bold lip.

If you want to make the look more subtle, go for a light coloured liner or a glitter liner.

Take note: this look takes a bit of practice. You will need to try out different types of liquid and gel liners to find one you are comfortable with.

How to do it

Give yourself time to do this liner. It might take a few goes to get it right. We recommend having cotton buds and MAC Pro Eye makeup remover to clean up mistakes. Do this eyeliner look with a simple eyeshadow base because there's a good chance you will mess it up! If you have spent ages doing intricate eyeshadow, it will be very frustrating to smudge it. So keep it simple the first few times. We would apply a simple eyeshadow primer and base colour eyeshadow for the liner to adhere to.

To get the positioning right, mark where you want to put the line with your eye open. Looking in the mirror, lightly draw in the liner just above your eye socket. Once you have the position marked, you can carefully strengthen the colour and the shape. Use a thin eyeliner brush and do it bit by bit stamping the liner into place and then smoothing out the edges.