Two birds, one stone - hair minimising deodorant

Two birds, one stone - hair minimising deodorant
By  | Dec 16, 2008

Sure and Dove have recently announced that they are to introduce new hair-minimising deodorants next month. Promising to slow down the speed of hair growth, thanks to the inclusion of "pro-epil" complex, these certainly sounds like a miracle in a bottle. If we wear deodorant every day anyway, why not have it work overtime and carry out two functions at once?

Unilever, who produce both brands, say the product is not designed to replace waxing or shaving, but claim that it will reduce skin irritation caused by hair regrowing afterwards and that underarm hair should be less noticeable, finer and easier to remove. However, hair growth will quickly return to normal once you stop using the product.


I know that body lotions claiming to do the same thing have been popular recently, though I've never tried them myself. So what do you think, will you be tempted to try out these new deodorants?