Was Cate Blanchett Saying 'That's Your F***ing Question' Really That Bad?

Was Cate Blanchett Saying 'That's Your F***ing Question' Really That Bad?
By Beaut.ie  | Mar 27, 2015

I dunno, there seems to be a certain level of misrepresentation going around regarding this interview Cate Blanchett which sees the actress "lose it". Or, to quote other headlines, "humiliates a reporter" by saying "That’s your question? That’s your f*cking question?” 

OK, so here's the clip doing the rounds. At 28 seconds long, it's not exactly rife with context. 


And here is the interview in its entirety. Different story altogether. For example, had outlets gone with "If you want the sex to be good, that's the vodka" maybe that would've garnered FAR more traction. 

We think it's incredibly unfair to tar a lady like Cate with this kind of brush. It's easy but mean! What do you think about these kind of headlines?