Women Are Silly Billies say the Daily Mail. Again.

Women Are Silly Billies say the Daily Mail. Again.
By Beaut.ie  | Jan 7, 2010

I must have a masochistic streak, but I can't stop reading the Daily Mail online. I hate it. It's awful. It's so anti-women, super-conservative, hatefully critical and just plain nasty, but I think I mostly keep on checking in to keep my feminist home-fires burning high with righteous indignation. All anyone needs to do if they think women have achieved equality is to spend an hour on dailymail.co.uk and they'll swiftly be put to rights.

Fat women, thin women, Irish women (who can forget - or forgive - their anti-Irish campaigns of the past), immigrant women, working mothers, old women, young women, non-pregnant career women, women who dare to not want to have children and those who have too many, oh there's no cow too sacred for the Mail.  Pun totally intended.

And they like nothing more than writing stupid bloody features about how stupid women are too. Much like yesterday's erudite gem on "millions of men think women wear too much makeup." Compiled from stupid survey results commissioned by the crappy St Ives brand, it's a hoot.


It also misses the point by, oh, a million miles or so  - the point being we wear generally makeup for ourselves, not for the male of the species.  And the comments gave me a good giggle on a cold snowy day too.

Steve, an Essex man with dubious higher brain function - and poor typing skills - says "Woman wear make up because they want to be thought of as sexually attractive by......men.  It doesn't matter if it's for her husband,boyfriend or she;s single and hoping to be "pulled" by a new man," while London's Raza chips in with "i agree completely, vanity is one of the biggest put offs.... ...don't understand why women need to feel the urge to make themselves look like a put off with such an un-natural look, incredible waste of time as well...."

Thanks for those wonderful, well-thought out insights, guys, on something many of us regard as variously, an enjoyable hobby, something that affords us a little me time or a gives us a focus for creative expression. But what do you lot think?