Diet Diaries: Glitter inspiration Diet Diaries: Glitter inspiration
By  | Feb 6, 2007

It’s Tuesday… and that means - it’s Diet Diaries Day at!

And glittergirl is providing the inspiration for us all this week. She lost a whopping TWO STONE on e-diets before her wedding and now she’s here to tell us how she did it.

“Well I initially started on the e-diets regime cos I was getting married and didn’t want to be a fat ass in the photos - my words - so I took myself off to the internet and joined up.

The GI diet was in loads of magazines when I joined up so it was the fashionable diet to be on. The menus are great and seeing as we are gone for over 12 hours every day, it’s easiest as I can make easy stuff every night and then something that takes longer at the weekend.
The meals are delish - none of your water shaped like food a la weight watchers. They are full of flavour and still low fat and low GI. What more could you want?

The shopping list is dead handy but the fiancé was a bit bewildered as I stood in Tesco looking at boxes of rice - they’re all rice aren’t they he said and walked off to look at more manly food like yorkie bars!

There is nothing you can’t have and I even bought an Anthony Worral Thompson cookery book (cos he lost all his weight on the GI diet apparently) and there is delicious stuff in that.


So off the weight went - all 2 stone of it over the course of about 6 months! WOOHOO!

And of course there were times when I fell off the wagon, the wagon even left and went over the horizon cos I stopped to pick some chips up off the ground but I found it eventually and hauled myself back on.

It was SO worth it though girls -I felt great and looked even better - especially in Italy where all the women are gorgeous tanned goddesses with tiny designer shorts on their feckin skinny legs. But I digress, I would seriously recommend this diet to anyone: it’s fantastic, easy, tasty and doesn’t involve any maths (a bonus for me). Give it a go!.”

Read about my experience with e-diets where I told how I’m getting on with the plan and easy it is to join up.

And now: over to you!