The Pinterest Diet: How To Pin Your Way Thin

The Pinterest Diet: How To Pin Your Way Thin
By  | Oct 24, 2013

If you're lacking in diet enthusiasm or searching for a diet that suits you and - crucially - actually works, then maybe you should check out Pinterest.

Every diet on the planet has been pinned, discussed and either rated or damned.  Reading the boards led me into a world of fanatical dieters who evaluate and try out every  diet out there.

And if they see something they like - they pin it.

And if they see something they don't like - they pin that too.

I discovered Pepsi Special - a version of Pepsi available only in Japan which works by blocking the absorption of fat using fat blockers.  "Why choose between a hamburger a slice of pizza? If you choose Pepsi Special, you can have both!"


And be running to the jacks every five minutes with the unmentionables too I reckon, if it works anything like previous fat blockers.

One of the strengths of using Pinterest for weightloss seems to be the motivational factor.  Keep yourself interested and engaged by setting up a Pinterest board to support you own personal weightloss journey.  Loads of people do this and they pin recipes, tips, motivational tips, trackers, clothes they aspire to fit into - anything that will keep them on track.

Mitzi Granger author of "The Pinterest Diet:How To Pin Your Way Thin" reckons that

The diet combines my innovative program of eating clean, satisifying foods with Pinterest's capacity to provide a never-ending supply of recipes, workouts plans, and inspiration. I've been able to make losing weight fun with Pinterest!

Apart from creating your Life Transformation Boards, Mitzi also recommends that you pin for at least ten minutes a day and follow her ten tricks to transforming your diet.

Go here to Mitzi's very own Pinterest Board where you can be bombarded with more info and find out about her buke.

I think this is a really good idea though, it's well known that people do better when they have a lot of support when dieting and this might be an extra motivational tool.

What do you think?  Would you be interested in setting up your own Pinterest Board for weightloss or think it's all another social media storm in a teacup?