So THAT'S where that bit of Lego went to: colonic adventures

So THAT'S where that bit of Lego went to: colonic adventures
By  | Jan 23, 2007

Colonic treatments are shrouded in mystery. A lot of people like the idea of the quick detox, the promise of weight loss and the lighter cleaner feeling a colonic is puported to bring. But on the other hand... well it IS a hose of water up your bum.

Legend has it that colonics can flush out all sorts of murky truths. From the piece of lego swallowed twenty years earlier to the unchewed food you gulped down a week ago. God knows whats lurking inside us all. It has to be good to flush out stuff like that... doesn't it?

So we at have decided to go boldly to get to the bottom of the matter. Ever questing after the truth the whole truth and nothing but, so help us god - we'll tell you the full story - warts and all. We will be going undercover in the next couple of weeks to get those same hoses up our bums.


We're starting our mission today. Look out for a very special Remington Reports coming your way soon. And you can bet he'll have more than the one eyebrow quizically raised this time.