How to look stylish when it's absolutely freezing outside

How to look stylish when it's absolutely freezing outside
By Miriam Burke  | Feb 26, 2018

If you can't avoid going out when the Beast from the East arrives this week, you can avert a style disaster

If the reports are true, the weather will be worse this week than the infamous Big Freeze of 2010, and there is no way we're sacrificing comfort and warmth for style. The last thing I want to think about is whether my outfit looks cute when I'm caught on the Samuel Beckett Bridge in the middle of a blizzard (that mofo is slippery). But while it's the last thing I want to think about, I'll still think about it; know what I mean?

The weather won't change your feelings about style. The weather is, however, a huge influence on what you wear. When the type of weather forecast is rare - blizzards, sub-zero temps in winter, anything over 20 degrees in summer - it creates a dilemma for style conscious people. What if you don't own clothes suitable for such conditions? Does this mean you have to buy a whole new wardrobe to suit a fleeting weather trend? No, is the short answer. The answer is to be smart about what you wear.

When the 'Beast from the East' arrives, I recommend staying indoors and wearing nothing but fleece lined jammies and big marshmallow-y dressing gowns. If you have to venture out and you have to make an impression, don't even think about going barelegged. You don't need for one second to show a single inch of skin. Except for maybe your face, but did you know, balaclavas are coming back in?


Yes, wear tights. Definitely wear boots. If you want, wear tights and pants and socks and boots all at the same time. (But maybe not every day and for long stretches of time, because, well,  yeast.) You won't have to wear your embarrassing but warm over-items if you're well layered underneath. Your padded puffa might be the warmest coat you own, but you can afford to wear your wool camel coat if you're well insulated.

This winter/spring, midi skirts are big jumpers are style, which is great news because you can wear long johns under this combo if you're fortunate enough to own some. Chunky jumpers look great with a pendant necklace, and a well-accessorised outfit can give you sway in other areas. White jeans and a light blue chunky jumper with hoop earrings and a low bun? Yes, you can totally get away with wearing duck boots.

It may take some planning, but it can be done. Think layers, think accessories and think Olivia Palermo.