Slingbacks are back... but will you be wearing them?

Slingbacks are back... but will you be wearing them?
By  | Jul 18, 2013

Open-toed shoes are par for the course in summery weather, but what about open-heeled footwear? Slingbacks put in an appearance at the SS13 shows at both Miu Miu and Dolce & Gabbana and have trickled down to the high-street stores.

They show no sign of going anywhere anytime soon, either: Penneys have slingback shoe boots, of all things, in their AW13 line-up.

I'll put my cards on the table right now and tell you that I'm not a big fan of the slingback. Even when they're adjustable and should, in theory, fit perfectly around the back of the heel, I find they never feel totally secure and are still inclined to slip off when I walk.

Also, I think – please don't hate me if you're a slingback lover! – that they can veer dangerously close to looking frumpy or old-fashioned if they're paired with a boring colour or shape or an unsexy heel. The best way to wear 'em without looking like an office worker from the early noughties – and, as a former office worker in the early noughties, I should know – is with a medium-to-high heel and an open toe, which balances the lightness of silhouette that the open back provides, where a closed toe can look kind of clumpy.


Yeah, I'd wear any of those. Especially the cherry-topped Viv Westwoods – suh-woon – and the Loubs. (The glittery numbers are by Kate Spade, incase anyone was wondering.)

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