I let out an excited little "ooOOooh!" on hearing that Bliss are to set to launch beauty bars in Brown Thomas Dublin, Cork and Limerick, in addition to peddling their wares in these locations. (Then I realised I was in work and that people were looking at me with one eyebrow hitched up, so I stopped with the sound effects.)
QuickBliss mini spas will offer services like expert eyebrow shaping, fast facial waxing, mini-oxygen facials and doctor-developed face peels. No indication yet as to whether this action will be taking place on the shop floor or will be offered with some modicum of privacy, and I suppose it's not *quite* on a par with the kind of mega fabulous humungous super-spas Bliss have in places like New York or London, but sure it's a start...
QuickBliss Beauty Bars launch on 9th March.