Anything that comes with instructions to tell me to feed my face is off to a good start. And believe me these products smell so delicious, fresh and fruity that you'd be well tempted to give them a little... lick.
*Cough*. But don't do that. Not that I did or anything. Er...
No the feeding of the face line is to tell us to nourish our skin with lots of beneficial oils and vitamins that just happen to smell divine. The creator of Bia Beauty (bia is the Irish word for 'food'), Tracey Ryan is a qualified Herbal Scientist, with a passion for all things natural and skin friendly. All of her ingredients are natural, all emulsifiers and preservatives plant based and no bunnies have been involved in any stage of the skin range development.
So all natural, cruelty free and plant based. All good so far. But these are claims we've heard tons of times - what we want to know is do the products actually work?
My beef with a lot of natural products is that they smell overpoweringly of essential oils. Some of them reek and even opening a bottle or a jar is enough to make your eyes water. So far though I have had the opposite problem with these products. They smell so good it's hard to STOP sniffing them.
The fruit fragrances smell like fruit - they smell zesty and zingy and make your mouth water more than a tube of Fruit Pastilles. The fennel in the Detox body scrub (€19.95 200ml) is celery fresh and invigorating - it's really nice to see fennel being used like this - I love its ways.
One little word of warning. These products are packed with oils and despite claims that you won't be left feeling greasy - you will. The Apple Blossom body butter (€19.95 200ml)is so rich that there's no way you're getting the tights on until it's sunk way in and I'll personally be using it at night when it has plenty of time to absorb. It's so packed with oil (which is a great thing don't get me wrong) that the consistency is not like a creamy body butter - it's much more solid and melts into the skin.
Similarly the Lemon Myrtle Hand Cream (€14.95 60ml) is ultra rich and brilliant for parched skin - but it's not one to be keeping in the car - save it for the bedside table and slather it on at night. Perhaps with a pair of Marcel Marceau gloves for added benefit?
Check out biabeauty.com for more info and stockist details