On the Lash: Thinking of Getting Lash Extensions?

I recently took myself off to The Lash Lounge in Dundrum to get myself, eh, lashed. Now, I am fair of skin and hair and without mascara or an eyebrow tint, I look like a very round-headed albino alien. So I was pretty excited to see if the girls at The Lash Lounge could put some oomph into my peepers.

And damn it, I think it's my new favourite thing .

I was impressed with the time that they spent discussing exactly what I wanted - did I want full on flutter? Or a more natural look? And they have different options depending on whether your natural lashes are straight or curled (mine are as straight as a spirit level, you could actually use them to hang pictures if you were stuck).

FullSizeRender A week later and makeup free

It took about an hour and a half to get a full set of the luxury mink lashes (€100) in place. They are attached individually to your own lashes and honestly, they are so lightweight that I couldn't feel them at all.

And from the moment I got them, I just LOVED 'em. I didn't have to touch mascara, an eye lash curler or eyeliner while they were in place - I looked groomed without actually doing any of that grooming shtuffs that I normally have to do.

These semi-permanent extensions fall out with your own lashes and since that growth cycle is naturally four to six weeks, this is the amount of time that you can expect to get from a set. And refills (€50) are required every three to four weeks.

Mine lasted a month and then I was back to my naturally baldy state. To be fair, others may get longer from them because sometimes I have to wear pretty heavy eye makeup for cameras and the like and the removal of this pritt stick'd eye makeup wasn't kind to my extensions.


But I didn't lose any of my own additional lashes and they were in good condition after the mink set had fallen out. I just felt kind of, I dunno, nekkid.


And if you are planing on getting these done, here are some tips to get the most from your lashes:

  • Lookit, I know it's tempting but no fiddling with them. Your fingers will transfer oil to the lashes and oil is not their friend.
  • And while we're talking oil, make sure to use an oil-free eye makeup remover. I used a cream one from Simple that was perfect for the task.
  • You don't need to wear mascara but if you choose to, make sure it's water-based so as not to encourage them to slide off. One like this is fine.
  • Treat them kindly - they are delicate little fellas so no rubbing your eyes in the morning. Just stretch slowly with those Bambi eyes of yours.

I am currently rocking my usual hedgehoggy, spiky-lashed look but planning to get these back on for Christmas. I'd really recommend them for a special occasion (or you can just get some corner lashes for €25) but I wouldn't have the patience or pennies to keep them on permanently.

Have you tried lash extensions? Do you love their 'gutter to flutter' ways? Or does it all sound too much of a faff for you? Tell us your thoughts and experiences in the comments!

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