Beauty, as we all know, is big business these days and while we can find a wealth of information, tutorials, imagery and recommendations online there's nothing quite like a good book.
I love books, especially when it comes to anything work related. I often need them for reference when planning a photo shoot or working on a film, but sometimes I'll flick through to get inspiration or just because they're pretty.
My small apartment is bursting at the seams with hardbacks and paperbacks covering anything from art to photography to makeup, to beauty and of course, the odd trashy summer novel (we all have a few of those, right?).
Over Christmas, I was keeping my fingers crossed that one book in particular would be under the tree: Pretty Iconic by Sali Hughes. Sadly, it wasn't - but no need to get the violins out because I managed to pick it up in the sales for €14.99 (reduced from €30) so it's all good.
The book is, in Sali's words, "a personal look at the beauty products that changed the world" and includes "over 200 iconic products that are among the best and most influential in the world - past, present and future".
In Pretty Iconic, Sali takes us on a serious stroll down memory lane that then moves through the eras into the present world of beauty. Stopping off, she gives facts as well as her own personal feelings and memories about iconic products such as Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream, Girlsworld (remember them?) as well as newer products including Ciaté Nail Kits, Sleek's i-Divine eye palettes, Bioderma micellar cleansers and Beauty Blenders to name but a few.
For a beauty lover, this is as interesting a read as you can get, there's so much information jammed in that you'll never get bored. And if you've ever wondered about a product, the likelihood is, if it's any good - it'll be in here.
Aside from the fun facts you pick up, I love that there are so many little personalised stories from Sali Hughes too, from her reasons for wearing Chanel No 5 perfume to her Dad's funeral to the Beauty Time Capsule she keeps in the attic filled with products now "unfit for purpose" but still holding so much sentimental value.
Whenever you open Pretty Iconic, it's like sitting down with your BFF... only your BFF happens to be the beauty editor of The Guardian.
Pretty Iconic is available in bookshops now. Do you think it'd be your cup of tea too?