Rate It: Do YOU Have 'Have-to-have-itis'?

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CarolineJ posed the tricky question. "Can I ask - do any of you girls suffer from a condition where you find it very hard to walk by a free gift offer?", she asked, continuing, "it’s like your forehead is burning up and your palms get clammy especially when handing over the Laser". Oh, this sounds familiar, doesn't it? "I found Arnotts the worst, Clinque, Lancome, Elizabeth Arden, Estee Lauder....would have to stop and buy", she said, adding, "I Wonder what you would call it - havetohaveitis?"


Well named, CarolineJ - and I'd say we're all hands-on-heart, certified, card-carrying n' paid up members too. At least, I am. Are you?

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