Soothe your Senses With Nadur Organics

awaken candleMmmMmmmmm, you know we love natural and healthy goodies at, doncha? And you know we love Nadur Organics too, yep?

Aphrodite tried out their sublime detox box before The Christmas and posted in paroxysms of delight about it afterwards. I tried one too, and given my love of baths and scented candles, this was a perfect pampering treat for me. The herbal sachets for bath are divine and the candle in the detox box was gorgeous - except for one teeny quibble - it was wee, and didn't last as long as I wanted it to. Wouldn't it be brillo altogether if Nadur made full sized candles?

My prayers have been answered. Nadur recently sent us two gorgeous full sized organic treatment candles in 'Soothe' and 'Awaken' varieties. Hurrah! I got my mitts on the package first and I was seriously considering keeping both of them - but then the angel on my shoulder stepped in, and I handed one over. My 'Awaken' has been going strong for a good week now, with use almost every night - truly living up to the claim that it'll burn for 40 hours. That's 50% longer than your average scented candle.

And the reason it burns for so long is quality - no nasty cheap paraffin wax or synthetic fragrances will ever find their way into a Nadur candle. That means no pollutants released into the air, no black marks on your walls and ceilings because they're soot free, and a lovely safe and healthy way to fragrance your home. The gorgeously scented natural plant waxes they do use are cool burning and the fragrance permeates throughout too - a lot of cheap candles only have a scented outer layer.


Awaken contains Brazilian Orange Sweet and aphrodisiacal Madagascan Ylang Ylang and is quite frankly, absolutely gorgeous. Soothe is equally as nice with aromas of Rose Geranium from France and pampering Palmarosa from India. Both cost €31.99 from Nadur Organics, and I can only say this is completely worth it - you pay about €7 for a scented candle in M&S and it'll last you a couple of days if you're lucky - with a lot of wastage.

My Nadur candle on the other hand, is burning down completely evenly, smells wonderful - and I know I'm going to get a lot more enjoyment out of it!

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