Kate Moss's famous smokey, just-got-out-of-bed eye probably was the result of a successful night on the tiles. But you know it, and I know it, we mere mortals are just not going to wake up with a chicly grubby looking eye look. And we take all of our makeup off at night, anyway; as we should!
The thing is, often when you are attempting to do a smoky eye, it ends up all over your face. No matter how careful you are, the little dust particles end up all over our face, and you end up looking like a chimney sweep, and before you know it you are in the bathroom washing your face only to run out of time and going out half bare-faced or arriving late. Sigh.
You can, of course, apply your eyeshadow before your foundation, but let's face it, this can't alway happen especially when you are turning a day look into a night look.
Well, here is a little pro tip that will change your life.
Before you set out to do your smokey eye make, sure the rest of your face is extremely well powdered with translucent powder.
Then, with a fluffy eyeshadow brush, apply loads of the translucent powder directly under your eye and onto your cheeks. It should look strange. If you don't have a translucent powder, you can use baby powder.
Apply your eye shadow as usual and when you're finished, use your fan brush to dust all the powder away to reveal your foundation looking fresh as the time it was applied.
Have you got any top tips you would like to share with us?