In our Stars of 2006 poll for Best Beauty Gadget, loads of you gave a resounding thumbs up to Tweezerman tweezers, and yeah, they really are the best.
I've had ones with finer points alright, so fine they actually went into the hair follicle, oow, but nothing else I've tried combines Tweezerman's ability to have super thin tips with sheer tweezing ability.
I'd be lost without mine, and if you've never indulged, then now's the time. You can pick up a pair from Boots no bother, but if you fancy buying online then Strawberrynet is yer only man. They say the discount is 3% but it's definitely more than that - the wide grip pair on the left there are on sale for €15.50 and they cost about - €18-€19 in the shops. Gals, you know what to do!!