Hello Beauties! I’m feeling very festive this past week and am excited for a very special Christmas. After taking on lots more new clients this year and squeezing my wedding in (you can check out some pics from that here), I am ready for some R&R following a busy few months.
And I’m actually taking a two week break from my gym…eeek! Relaxing for me doesn’t mean doing absolutely nothing though, so I will be going for walks, yoga and maybe even some boxing after being inspired by Conor McGregor at the weekend.
In the run up to my two weeks off, I've been training away as usual but documenting some of my sessions in a '12 Days of Fitnes's series on my Instagram.
I started this to help my clients while I’m away but just to note that these workouts do use a lot of gym equipment, so they aren’t all suitable for at-home sessions. But if you have access to a gym then you’ll find most of this equipment there.
I encourage my clients to maintain their gym sessions over Christmas so January isn’t too difficult to get back on track. Fitting in the gym a few times over Christmas is definitely possible if, like most, you have a good few days off work. But yes, it can be difficult to get moving when staying cosy at home is such a luxury! If you missed my update last week it covers my top tips for damage control over Christmas, you can catch up on them here.
Check out my 12 Days of Fitness videos here and let me know if you have a go at them!
12 DAYS OF FITNESS Day 3: Try this or some other piece of cardio equipment for 30 second intervals to finish off your session! Give it your all for 30 seconds then rest for 60 seconds and go again! Try minimum 4 rounds. Serious killer ? #irishfitfam #12daysoffitness #fitfam #fitspo #assaultbike #metabolicfitness #cardio #instafit A video posted by Fiona Peelo (@metabolicfitness_fi) on
12 DAYS OF FITNESS Day 7: One of the most neglected areas people fail to train is the posterior chain. Here I am working on my lower back and glutes, squeeze your bum at the top of this movement. #12daysoffitness #glutes #instafit #irishfitfam #gymrat #personaltraining #fitfam #fitspo #metabolicfitness #grouptraining #strengthtraining #girlswholift #hypertrophy #posteriorchain #instavideo A video posted by Fiona Peelo (@metabolicfitness_fi) on
For more workout videos check out my Instagram account, there are too many to fit in here
I hope you all have a merry, fun and healthyish food filled holiday!
Metabolic Fitness Trainer
Follow Fiona’s fitness adventure on Instagram!
Will you be working out this Christmas? Do you make sure you go to the gym to balance the mince pie consumption?