Big Brother #3,000,000

big brother

I have no idea which season of BB we're on - it feels like season one trillion billion though. And I felt even more weary about it than usual as we were introduced to one vapid, fame obsessed or just plain damaged / attention seeking contestant after another. The shame of it is that anyone with a modicum of common sense just won't go in for a show like this, so we get the dregs, the boring flotsam with nothing to say for themselves and nary an opinion between the lot of them, or those who are so puffed up with self importance that they think what they have to say is so interesting, the nation wants to hear about it. 24/7.

So we have the self confessed Sarf Lhandan IT girl, the Posh Spice-alike, the screeching twins of zero brain cell, the Peaches-alike who wants to introduce us to an amazing new kind of music that's taking over the nation, indie (tip - read a few books love, you'll find it's been about for quite some time. I recommend the History of Creation Records to start with...) and lets not forget the ecstasy casualty cum cleaner Tracey. Jesus God. We're in for some witty, insightful conversation alright.

What also struck me about most of the younger girls apart from their complete and utter lack of self awareness and any sort of intelligence, was how bad their makeup was - in particular, the worst offenders were Laura from Wales and Shabnam. Yeow! My eyes! Several of them said that makeup was a passion, in which case, I'd send them straight off to a make up artist for a lesson in how to apply it.


And did anyone else notice Tracey's uncanny resemblance to Worzel Gummidge?


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