DIY: Hair Masks

hair!Hair in a fright what with this 'fabulous' weather we're having, and purse in a similar state apres Christmas?

Oh, I hear ya. I NEED me some Kerastase, but that ain't happening till the end of the month. So what to do? My hair needs intensive TLC, and like, it needs it now. (imagine me doing a wagging finger thing here, in manner of Jerry Springer audience member, Mick Jagger, or similar)

I could make my own in the interim though. The Internet abounds with nourishing sounding recipes for doing-it-yourself-ing. Mayonnaise is a popular DIY hair mask ingredient, but I loathe its disgusting gloopy ways and girlfren', if it don't go in my salad, it don't go on my head. These two recipes below sound like they'd tame the most rebellious of barnets though, and I think the Shrek Shower Cap will be making an appearance over the weekend as I test one (or both) of these recipes out:

Honey & Olive Oil Hair Mask


Ingredients: Honey, Olive Oil
Method: Mix up half a cup of honey with 3 tablespoons of the oil. Take your hair a section at a time and work the mixture through until you've treated your whole head. A-fix a shower cap, take yourself off for half an hour and then shampoo as normal. Voila - shiny happy hair.

Egg & Olive Oil Hair Mask

Ingredients: Eggs, Olive Oil, Clingfilm
Method: Mix up 2 eggs (yolk and white) with four tablespoons of oil until you have a nice thick consistency. Now gently smooth the mixture through your hair, whip out the clingfilm and wrap yourself up. Leave the clingfilm on for about 10-15 minutes and then shampoo and rinse out as normal.

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