Natural deodorants have been used for centuries. And they're back in vogue. Today, we're looking at alternatives to traditional, shop bought sprays.
Natural deodorants and ethical alternative solutions to sprays have become more popular over the past few years. For some, the switch is based on concerns about the environment. For others, it can be down to ingredients or for health reasons. Either way, going natural is a fast-growing trend. But is it for you?
When it comes to natural beauty and deodorants there are certain factors to consider. One, of course, is that we're talking deodorant and not anti-perspirant. That difference alone can make some people turn their back on them immediately. But it is aluminium chlorohydrate (used in anti-perspirant to fight wetness) that is usually at the centre of the debates about natural vs traditional due to (as yet corroborated) links to certain diseases and cancer.
If you're considering going natural, here are three natural deodorants to try as alternatives.
As natural alternatives go this is by far the most cost effective and easy. The citric acid in lemon juice helps to kill odour-causing bacteria. Simply swipe half a lemon under arms in the morning. Or alternatively, juice the lemon and add it to a spray bottle for on the go.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is another natural ingredient that fights bacteria and odours. To use, simply rub a little underneath your arms. To fight wetness through the day, you can add some cornstarch or arrowroot powder as well. If you're feeling particularly crafty, you can make your own DIY deodorant by mixing both ingredients with a little coconut oil and a drop of witch hazel. Leave it in the fridge, or spoon the mix into a small container and, hey presto! You've made your own natural deodorant.
Natural Stone Deodorants
Stone deodorants are made from potassium aluminium sulfate. Yes, you're reading that right... aluminium. But the difference here is that the molecules are much larger an so it's believed that they cannot be absorbed into skin. To use the stone, wet it first and then apply it like a regular roll on.
Would you try natural deodorants?