AW10: The No-Brow Trend. Is it For You?

AW10: The No-Brow Trend. Is it For You?
By  | Sep 16, 2010

Ah Autumn Winter. It always throws up a divisive beauty trend or three and we've already looked at going grey naturally and not wearing any mascara; both are arguably pretty extreme for a lot of women.

Lets take another gander at the no-brows trend today so, eh? We had a brief look last week to howls of outrage and yes, this is another yeah-you-really-wouldn't-do-it-off-the-catwalk effort. It's highly unlikely anyone on Normal Street's gonna rock this look in any whited-out or stuck-down-with-prosthetic-glue form. Makeup artists may earnestly reveal that the real-gal way to wear the trend is to bleach your brows, but girl'fren, ain't no one comin' near mine with the Jolen. Y'hear?

So I won't be a bit surprised if none of you are feeling the whole thing; I will be more amazed if any do.  But before those who dare to be different howl me down for being conformist (I'm not particularly), let me add a qualifier: as an editorial, catwalk-led beauty look I'm all in favour - those girls look fierce with their blank canvas and one stand-out element like a red lip or winged eye.


For Fionnuala from Fethard who has to go to work in the local Bank of Ireland each morning and endure the slagging from her colleagues at the bureau de change, well, y'know. Not so much.

Where do you stand on the no-brow trend?

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