Balsan Cosmetic: A DIY alternative to the Medi Pedi...?

Balsan Cosmetic: A DIY alternative to the Medi Pedi...?
By  | Jun 9, 2009

Unsurprisingly, last week was a busy busy one for pedicure places, and I thought "recession me eye!" as I called beauty salon after beauty salon that couldn't fit me in for a foot overhaul.

A week in flip-flops and wedges has really done a number on my tootsies - well, trotters as they are now - so I had a rummage in the back of my wardrobe over the weekend to unearth some foot stuff that I'd bought on the summer holliers last year.


Balsan Cosmetic Hand And Foot Care Lotion, €15 for 150ml excl. shipping, was the first thing that I put my hands on and sounds like it could give the Danné Medi Pedi a run for its money: it's an alkaline solution that softens and dissolves callouses without any need for the use of blades or rasps. Sound familiar? I also found a tub of  an uber-moisturising Herb Balm from this Balsan crowd, €13 for 75ml excl. shipping, that helps prevent the formation of future callouses.

As I type this, I'm actually sitting on the couch with cotton wool soaked in the lotion dotted across my right foot, waiting for my hard skin and callouses to magically disappear - I'll let you know how it goes!