How to: Trim Your Eyebrows With a Scissors How to: Trim Your Eyebrows With a Scissors
By  | Nov 30, 2011

I used to think that trimming one's eyebrow hair was something that only blokes - and old blokes at that - had to worry about. I supposed that barbers took care of it, in between dealing with hair sprouting from ears and noses and the like. So the first time a beauty therapist came ever near my eye area with a little pair of scissors, I wasn't entirely sure what she was at but I didn't complain because I was terrified any distraction might cause her to drop them blade first into my eyeballs.

Turns out she was actually trimming my straggly, super long eyebrows into submission.

I was MORTO, until I noticed how much tidier my brows looked - and how much easier they were to keep in place with a minimum of product.

Those old blokes and their barbers are definitely on to something.


Now, if your brows are short or sparse, you're unlikely to ever really need to trim them, but it's great for the long or bushy of brow and anyone who likes their eyebrows to look quite natural as it immediately makes brows look neater and prevents them looking too heavy.

It's pretty easy to do at home. I use a spoolie to brush my brows up and outwards in roughly the direction of natural growth to see where any stragglers lie, then use a small pointed scissors to trim away a little length from the overgrowth at a time. Getting scissor-happy could result in gappy brows which is why it's so important to take it handy: you can always remove a little more if you step back from the mirror and want them a bit tidier. I reckon that attempting to Sellotape eyebrows back on would be no fun at all.

Check the Tweezerman Brow Shaping Scissors and Brush, €25, at Feel Unique*, €25 (with free postage) for a good product pick