Bee honest, now: Would you pee on a sting?

Bee honest, now: Would you pee on a sting?
By  | Aug 6, 2009

On Sunday, I was stung by a bee for the first time in my life. At least I now know that I'm not allergic to beestings, I guess, but it was was pretty excruciatingly sore - far more painful than I'd have expected. And the poor lickle bee dropped down dead afterwards. Blub on all sorts of levels!

Luckily, I had numerous relatives on hand to weigh in with lots of useful advice. Top of the list was to dab a bit of pee on the area to relieve the stinging sensation.

My five year old cousin said very solemnly that he could pee on it for me if I didn't need to go.


However, I'm made of stern stuff so declined his kind offer and just toughed it out... without too much wailing and rending of garments and gnashing of teeth.

Would you have been tempted to give pee a chance?