Brighten that Smile

Brighten that Smile
By  | Oct 28, 2006

If you don't fancy having teeth like those on the left, read on!

Aphrodite's post on Crest Whitestrips proved really popular, so here's a home grown alternative for you - Bright Smile is an Irish company who specialise in an at home tooth whitening service. It's not quite as cheap as Whitestrips but they promise that the treatment will give you a bright sparkling smile. And it'll still work out cheaper than having it done in the dentists too, where prices for teeth whitening can exceed several hundred euro.

The way the service works is as follows: you place your order and Bright Smile send you back silicon based impression material and a set of impression trays, together with step by step instructions to help you to take perfect impressions of your own teeth. When they're ready you slip them into the prepaid envelope provided and send 'em back. Next, Bright Smile technicans create custom bleaching trays based on your dental impressions and they send these back to you, along with the whitening solution so that you can begin the process. Sounds like a bit of a palaver but they say it won't take more than a week.


And the cost? The full treatment pack (including impressions, trays, gel etc) costs €169 plus a €10 charge for postage. Extra refills cost €70 plus a €5 postage charge.