DIY: Tired Eye Fix

DIY: Tired Eye Fix
By  | Oct 27, 2006

Sore, stressed eyes? Take ten minutes out to try this recipe which uses witch hazel - tired eyes will be refreshed and look brighter and clearer. So why is witch hazel good for soothing tired puffy eyes? Well, it's an astringent and is used to reduce inflammation. It also tightens up skin tissue, and this is why it's used as an ingredient in lots of cosmetic preparations.

But you don't have to shell out megabucks for one of them, when you can make your own!

What you'll need:

  • Witch hazel (available from chemists)
  • Cotton pads (the large oval sort you'd use to take eye makeup off with)

Soak the cotton pads in witch hazel (storing it in a cold place is a good idea) and place over your eyes. Lie down in a darkened room if possible, and place your feet up on a pillow. Relax for 10 - 15 minutes and then remove the pads.

Tip: You can also use witch hazel as a toner and to help clear up mild pimples and spots.