2 easy MUA tricks for concealing spots that anyone can do

2 easy MUA tricks for concealing spots that anyone can do
By Sarah Jane Lanagan  | Jul 5, 2018

MUA tricks, (aka makeup artists' tricks) are sometimes just that. Tricky. But these ones are super simple.

As MUA tricks go these are two that I love and use all the time. They're simple, but work wonders when you're suffering with a breakout. Specifically, one you've been poking at. Because let's be honest, we all do it.

Spots always seem to spring up at the most inopportune moments, don't they? And while we all know we shouldn't touch them, it's nearly impossible not to. If you do manage to pop a spot successfully, it usually leaves behind a little scab or dry, flaky patch. This, in turn, looks even worse when you apply foundation or concealer on top of it, making you wish you'd left it alone.

But the good news is there's a way to conceal old or healing blemishes. It's a simple two-step process. First, make sure your skin is clean and prepared for makeup. Apply your foundation as normal, avoiding the dry/flaky area. Use a cotton bud to gently dab a little bit of nourishing lip balm onto the tip of old spot (I like the NUXE lip balm because it's matte, but you can use anything really).

NUXE Reve De Miel Lip Balm €11.95


Leave the balm alone to start hydrating the dry patch, and continue on with the rest of your makeup as normal (filling in brows, applying mascara etc). During this time, the lip balm will start to soften the scab/dry patch and will act as a barrier to stop it from potentially soaking up the makeup that's to come.

Inglot 26S Lip Brush €5

When the balm has fully soaked in, buff on a small amount of foundation over the area to reduce redness. Then, with a small brush, apply a dot of concealer to cover the tip. Which brings me to the second of our MUA tricks - a lip brush is ideal for doing small spot concealing. To set everything in place, use a small fluffy eyeshadow brush to dust on powder. And Voila! The perfect crime.

So while we'd never condone poking at spots, we also know it happens to us all. But at least this way you'll know how to cover up the evidence!