Everything You Need To Know To Combat Oily Skin

Everything You Need To Know To Combat Oily Skin
By Laura Doyle  | Aug 8, 2022

Do you have Oily skin but are unsure of the best way to look after it?

Look no further, we have everything you need to know about looking after oily skin.

Oily skin happens when the sebaceous glands in the skin make too much sebum.

Sebum is a naturally occuring waxy, oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin. Sebum is vital for keeping the skin healthy.

However, too much of it can lead to oily skin, clogged pores and of course, breakouts.

Looking after any skin type requires commitment, a skincare routine that suits your skin type and patience.

Here are some simple and effect ways to look after oily skin


Washing Regularly

Often when the excess sebum is left on the skin, it cause most problems.

Washing regularly can reduce the amount of oil on the skin by removing it before it sets in.

While washing, resist the temptation to scrub your skin – even to remove makeup. Scrubbing irritates your skin, which can make it look worse.

Just remember

  • Wash with a gentle soap and warm water.
  • Avoid soaps with fragrances or harsh chemicals, which can irritate or dry out the skin, making it respond by creating more sebum.
  • Avoid loofahs and rough washcloths, as added friction may stimulate the skin to make more oil.

If you feel your skin is not responding, some stronger products can be used.

These products contain acids that can tackle oily skin, such as:

  • salicylic acid
  • glycolic acid
  • beta-hydroxy acid
  • benzoyl peroxide

These acids may cause irritation to some skin types.

When starting a new product, always test it on a small area of skin first to see how your skin reacts.

Never sleep in your makeup


The cardinal rule of all skin types.

Always remove all makeup before going to sleep.

Leaving it on does not allow the skin to breathe, make up can and will get clogged in pores and cause unnecessary break outs.


Most toners that contain alcohol can dry out the skin, again having an adverse effect.

However, natural toners, such as witch hazel, can have skin soothing properties.


Witch hazel has a high tannin content that makes it a natural toner and anti-inflammatory.

Many people with oily skin use witch hazel as their only toner.

However, these products may not work for everyone.

Some may find that their face tingles or itches when using astringent toners.

If this happens, it may be a sign of irritation that could lead to more sebum production.

Again, always test it on a small area of skin first to see how your skin reacts.


Pat the face dry

When drying the face after washing and using toner, people should gently pat their skin dry with a soft towel.

This should be done with care, however.

Pulling down on the skin with a towel, or using a rough washcloth, is not advised, as it may stimulate the skin to create more sebum.


It may come as a shock but not moisturising oily skin can in turn make it more oily.


Most people with oily skin will steer clear of face creams but by doing so you encourage your skin to produce more oil to rehydrate the skin.

Find a face cream specifically tailored for oily skin.

An oil-free moisturizer could help keep the skin moist and protected, without it feeling greasy.

Don’t touch

As tempting as it is to touch or rub your face, don’t.

Many of us do it without even realising.

But, doing so can spread dirt, oil and bacteria from your hands to your face.

Try to only touch your face when you’re cleansing, moisturising or applying sunscreen or makeup, and make sure your hands are always clean beforehand.