Everything You Need To Know About the Curly Girl Method

Everything You Need To Know About the Curly Girl Method
By Kym Duignan  | Nov 20, 2019

Learning how to manage curly or wavy hair is difficult so why not try out the curly girl method, a hair care routine women around the world swear by.

What is the curly girl method?

The curly girl method is a hair care method devised by Lorraine Massey author of 'Curly Girl: The Handbook'.

The aim of the curly girl method is to replace damaging hair care habits with healthy ones that will enable your hair to look and feel its best.

It's a set of guidelines or dos and don'ts for anyone with wavy, curly, or coiled hair.

There are also guidelines specifically designed for wavy, curly or coiled hair.

In order for the curly girl method to work properly, it's hugely important you know what type of hair you have.


Thankfully, there's a handy little quiz you can take to find out your curly hair type!

The guidelines

When it comes to the curly girl method most people say that you don't have to stick to the guidelines rigidly.

It's good to experiment and see what works for you.

Here are the basic dos and don'ts of the curly girl method:

  • Avoid products containing sulfates, alcohol, artificial fragrances and silicones.
  • Use moisturising ingredients, getting the right moisture balance is key to good curly hair.
  • Stop using a normal towel and opt for a t-shirt instead, preferably cotton.
  • Stop or seriously reduce the amount of heat you use on your hair.
  • Never brush or comb your hair when dry, only do so when wet.
  • Stop using shampoo or only use a sulfate-free shampoo once a week if needed.
  • Use natural emollients to draw moisture to your hair such as shea butter or olive oil.

These guidelines can be very intimidating and confusing at first so I'd recommend easing yourself into it.

I discovered the curly girl method a few months ago and have slowly been adapting and adding to my routine since then.

Firstly, I'd recommend switching to a curly girl approved sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

Next, get a scrunching curl gel and hair oil or serum. The gel can be used to style the hair after washing along with the oil or serum and you can also apply a bit of the oil or serum to your hair in between washes.

Only wash your hair once every three/four days and use a leave-in conditioner in between washes to revive your curls.

Let your hair air dry as much as possible but for the days when you're in a hurry or want some extra volume get a diffuser attachment for your hairdryer.

For sleeping at night put your hair in a high messy bun and ideally wear a silk bonnet or sleep on a silk pillowcase.

There are many different ways to care for curly hair, so use the curly girl method as your basic guideline and allow yourself space and time to figure out what's best for your hair and lifestyle.

What are some of your favourite products for curly hair?