Fairy Liquid Clean and Care??

Fairy Liquid Clean and Care??
By Beaut.ie  | Apr 22, 2008


I'm prefacing this post with a "hmmmm", because I'm having a little trouble believing Fairy Liquid's claims for their new washing up product, Clean and Care.

Hardworking hands can now enjoy a little pampering while they’re doing the washing up. New Fairy Clean & Care, in a beautiful bottle design that adds a touch of glamour to your kitchen, is the dual washing up liquid that helps keep your hands soft and moisturised as well as keeping your dishes squeaky clean.


Yeah. I believe it. I'm dead sure that immersing my hands in steaming hot water with something that's designed to degrease frying pans is going to be excellent for my paws.

Will you be swaping your handcream for detergent? Do you believe the hype, or is it a load of bubbleocks?