Fancy a SexySmile for Valentines?

Fancy a SexySmile for Valentines?
By  | Jan 27, 2007

Oh you know what it's like when you're in the office and that handsome co-worker you've had your eye on for aaaaages asks you out for apres work drinkies. I mean, we've all been there, eh? No? OK, this has never happened to me either.

BUT! if it did, I'd be glad if I had one of these little gems in my bag - it's called SexySmile and it's a really good idea. Developed by a New York Dentist, there's gloss on one end and a tooth whitening and freshening doodah on the other. SexySmile "instantly removes stains from your teeth, freshens breath and keeps lips glamorously glossy" - now, that's what I call clever!


It comes in five shades and you can buy online from HQhair for €29.75.