Five Essential Brow Products: NYX, Mac, Crown, Colorsport

Five Essential Brow Products: NYX, Mac, Crown, Colorsport
By  | Jan 13, 2015

Brows are big business. Even ten years ago, we were all tearing them out. And now we want them back. Big, glorious caterpillars protecting our precious eyes from wind and rain - that's all we want. Though I should specify that we want neat caterpillars.

To achieve the brows of your dreams, you need lots of patience in waiting for them to grow - I can empathise with you there -mine are starting to look like something out of a Dr. Seuss book, but I WILL persevere! While they're getting their grow on, you can fill in gaps and feign tidiness with makeup. Here are the five items you'll need!

  • Brow Powder

I find brow powders more versatile than pencils, and I always use two shades of powder to mimic the diversity of shade and density in naturally full eyebrows. Have a look at how I do it in my Mastering Brows Tutorial. These Eyebrow Cake Powders from NYX  are just €7.49 and come in five variations for every imaginable hair colour. They don't contain warm undertones either (with the exception of the auburn one), as nothing looks more like makeup than reddish brown hues in the brows, unless of course that's your natural colour! These come with a very cute little angled brush and spoolie or brow comb, but I'd recommend investing in a full size version as you'll use them as daily staples and need to wash them frequently.

  • An Angled Brush and Brow Spoolie

The Mac 208 Angled Brush is perfect for brows. It distributes powder through the brows beautifully, has a thin enough edge to draw in individual hairs if that's your bag, and creates a beautifully groomed clean edge to brows. Clean it once a week for hygiene reasons, but also because the powder will build up in the brush and prevent you from creating clean, neat lines.

A brow spoolie or brush is an important item in your brush bag. Crown Brush is an amazing online brush brand (they have an Irish website). The brushes are professional quality and incredibly affordable, and their brow spoolie (C162) is only €3, despite having a plastic comb (perfect for declumping mascara), a soft brush for brushing out your brow powder to soften it, and a good old fashioned spoolie.

  • Clear Brow Gel and Brow Dye

Clear brow gel will set your new 'eyeterpillars' in place. Of course there are loads of coloured versions available, but I like clear because it's more diverse. If you change your hair colour or want a more natural look, clear gel will still work for you. The classic Mac Brow Set is €18, but there are any number of super affordable versions in any pharmacy!

The idea of dying your own brows might scare you a bit. It scared me till I actually tried it, but it's brilliant. Particularly while you are growing our your brows, dying them is an excellent idea. It gives them greater intesity, but it also catches all the tiny light hairs around the brow that your can't see with the naked eye, so you end up with far more eyebrow than you thought you had!

The above dye from Coloursport (€12.75) has been around for donkey's years, and the brown dye doesn't come out reddish. Red undertones in brows only work with red hair - this brown dye is tried and tested, and there's no red to be found! Just do a patch test 24 hours in advance to ensure you're not allergic (as with all dyes) and follow the instructions in the pack. It's so easy to do!

Are your brows driving you crazy? Or are they your favourite part of your makeup? Share your thoughts and tips on brows with us in the comments.