'Glove Your Body' Self-Tanning Mitt - Is this 'Revolutionary' Mitt Really Worth €20?

'Glove Your Body' Self-Tanning Mitt - Is this 'Revolutionary' Mitt Really Worth €20?
By Beaut.ie  | Jul 9, 2014

It's not often we review tan mitts - let's face it, they're bits of material that you rub tan on with, how much can they really do? But when we do, we want to cover all of the necessities.

Behold, the six things we look for in a mitt.

  •  You want a tan mitt that spreads your tan evenly without even a HINT of a streak.
  • You want a mitt that won't just absorb all of your product. If you notice yourself going through a hell of a lot more tan, having changed mitts, this is probably the culprit.
  • You don't want it to fall off mid application, staining your cream carpets or your freshly washed bed sheets (yeah, don't do what I did and get tanning in your bedroom; play it safe in the bathroom!
  • You don't want the tan seeping through to your hands, which is one of the reasons you avoid tanning without a mitt in the first place.
  • You don't want it falling to pieces after one or two goes.
  • And it'd be nice, for the serial tanners among us, if you could throw it in the washing machine.

We weren't a bit impressed with Solkiss' '3 in 1' mitt, so today we've tried 'Glove your Body - The Mitt That Fits Like a Glove'. Well, it does, because it IS a glove.

And that's probably it's only redeeming quality - you stick your fingers inside the mitt and they slot into little compartments, ensuring the mitt can't really fly off your hand at any moment and slap your cat in the face. But that would be funny.

Where things get quite hilarious, is when the mitt's accompanying info describes it as 'revolutionary' and 'deluxe'. 'What's revolutionary about a bloody tan mitt?' I hear you ask. Well, you see, this one has revolutionised the tanning industry with its 'modern design'. No but really, it looks like a child's hand puppet. Or sort of like my granny's muff (not THAT muff, you filthy-minded divils, the muffs that warm up your hands). It's leopard print, it's fleecey and it would go perfectly with my leopard print onesie, should I ever find myself with one cold hand.


I digress; back to its ability to meet our 6 steps.

  • Yes, I guess it does spread tan easily, however some of it seems to disappear.
  • Ahh, the mitt has absorbed quite a lot of my tan, that's not ideal now is it.
  • Nope, it definitely won't fall off, thanks to its 'dual function' as a glove and the handy thumb!
  • This thing is so thick, there's not a hope it'll get through to your hands, so that's good.
  • Seems pretty durable to me. Unless you're attempting to apply fake tan to a porcupine, it'll probably go the distance.
  • It is indeed machine washable at 30 degrees.

And if that wasn't enough to make your minds up, we're also told this glove is suitable for right AND left hand users - quick. call NASA.


If you're after a 'luxurious', leopard printed self tanning experience, Glove Your Body DUAL Self-Tanning Mitt may be for you. It does deliver on most of what it claims. However, if you'd rather not part with a staggering €19.99 for a tan mitt (I mean this actually costs more than most tanning product out there), best stick to our tried and tested Egypt Wonder or go for the popular St Tropez Applicator Mitts at €6 or Famous Dave’s Self Tan Applicator Mitt at €5.50.

Would you spend the guts of 20 quid for the right mitt? How important is your mitt? Or do you use your hands?