How do we rate this new celebrity brow kit?

How do we rate this new celebrity brow kit?
By Aisling Powell  | Feb 2, 2016

After the recent launch of the highly successful Gwen Stefani eyeshadow palette, Urban Decay has just launched part two to the collection. We gave a blow by blow sneak peek account of the full collection (you can catch up here) but being the brow fanatic that I am, I was initially drawn to the brow kit.

The packaging itself is stunning, staying with the same look as the eyeshadow palette.

The brow box contains two shades, a mini tweezers to remove stray hairs, two mini angled brushes, one for wax and one for shadow, two mirrors (one magnifies), and wax to set or to intensify your colour. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of a magnifying mirror; the reason being is that it encourages people to pluck hairs from their brows. When you look at yourself through a magnifying mirror, it becomes way too easy to pluck too much hair from the shape of your brows which can lead to problems getting them to grow back.

As a brow specialist, I deal with over plucked eyebrows daily, so I see how hard it is for people to grow back eyebrow hair when they have been over plucked for years. The struggle is real people. So, you can see why a product that facilitates this is not on my "must have" list. The fact that they give you a tweezer in this kit doesn't help the situation what so ever.


Product-wise, it's nothing I haven't seen before in other brands that do brow products. I tested out the "Bathwater Blonde" colour, which in fairness is probably a little too light for my colouring.

Here is my brow before:

And here it is after:

To get this effect I mixed the darker shadow with the wax, this will darken the pigment in the shadow and act as more of a cream. Below, you can see the powder alone versus the wax and powder mix.

If you missed my video tutorial on how to create the perfect brow, catch up here.

What is your staple brow product? Or do you use one at all?