I Want, I Need: Valley of the Stars

I Want, I Need: Valley of the Stars
By Beaut.ie  | Jan 28, 2007

All smart gals know that the essential handbag emergency kit is Benefit's Realness of Concealness. This little cardboard gem conceals beneath its demure exterior a veritible arsenal of concealing, highlighting and plumping weapons. It's quite simply a must have.

But gals, I dunno. I think it might have a bit of a challenger to its throne. And that challenger comes in the form of Valley of the Stars. Very similar to Realness to be sure - but it's just that bit more glam. Benefit say it's "bling-bling in a box" and I'm inclined to agree. It contains not one, but two of their gorgeous highlighters - high beam and moon beam, as well as a her glossiness lip gloss and two eyeshadows.


Yum Yum is what it is! If you're keen, it'll set you back $28 from Benefit, or of course you can also get it in any stockist here, but it will cost you more.