Laura Mercier Lip Colour - New for Autumn

Laura Mercier Lip Colour - New for Autumn
By  | Aug 9, 2007

No sign of Laura Mercier's Autumn collection on her website as of yet, but what with it (technically) still being summer, the kindly folks at LM have launched a nice interim product to lift our mood.

Lip Stain comes in a chunky little glass pot that's perfect for desk or handbag. In six flattering shades, Lip Stain provides the visual effect of a stain with the shine of a lip gloss - and it's not flat colour either, it's a wash that you can build, or leave as sheer as you like. So you can go red and get nice, healthily rosy looking lips - a bit more appropriate for day than a full on starlet pout, eh?


Buy from BT's now for €24.