Makeup Bag Item Check - How Much is Yours Worth?

Makeup Bag Item Check - How Much is Yours Worth?
By Miriam Burke  | Jun 22, 2015

I established a rule long ago when I knew that I could never waltz into Brown Thomas and just pick up a few things. I covet designer bags, crave beautifully made clothes, long for red-soled shoes but having these nice things in my wardrobe ain't gonna happen any time soon. So, the rule - well, obviously it has something to do with makeup.

The one easy way to get your designer fix is by owning expensive makeup. There's something very satisfying about pulling out a lippy by Dior or fixing your face with an Armani powder; it's the illusion of luxury.

Obviously, when you're on as tight a budget as I am you can't go splashing out on all the gorgeous items in a high-end store's cosmetic department and you simply can't use them all the time but special occasions are made much more special when you can whip out your Chanel foundation. I have a makeup bag solely for all my pricier items that I bring out with me on such special occasions but usually they live in my bedroom on display and I look at them longingly, like a street urchin looks at rotisserie chickens.


I don't like to think about how much that makeup bag is worth because I'll start thinking about that car I could have bought with the amount, or the round the world trip I could have taken. But - my day to day makeup bag is bursting at the seams so I am thinking the stuff inside that might add up too...

So, is your makeup bag one filled with the nicer things on the block? Or do you stock it with purse-friendly cosmetics? Do you save certain things for certain events like I do or do you believe that it's worth using the special stuff every day? If you were to open your makeup bag right now and add up how much everything inside is worth, do you think it would surprise you?