Poll: What brand features the most in your bag?

Poll: What brand features the most in your bag?
By Beaut  | Feb 18, 2016

Whether your makeup bag is pretty much a rucksack or if it's a nice, neat little pouch (or something in between), there comes a time in most beauty lovers' lives when one cosmetic brand begins to dominate.

Now, if you're a MAC fan, for example, there is always room for a little bit of YSL Touche Éclat and a touch of Maybelline lippies. But as our knowledge and loyalty grow we tend to put faith into a single brand.

Are any of the brands below your brand? Or do you favour something that hasn't made the list? If so, let us know in the comments and while you're at it, tell us why the brand that appears most often in your makeup brand does.

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