Products of Yore: Hair Rags

Products of Yore: Hair Rags
By  | Aug 6, 2008

Do you remember, oh - years and yeeeeeears ago - there was a big revival of rag-rolled curls? Basically, what you did was use strips of fabric to create homemade curlers, get into the leaba and wake up the next morning, poodelised to the max.

Wrapping hair hair around rags and them tying them off results in a head of soft curls, and best of all, it's completely free. I recommend using a plain non-lycra cotton - old shirts are ideal - as they have a bit less give, meaning you get a sharper curl. If you like it softer, use a jersey fabric, but avoid silky materials because of the slippage factor.


But since this is the noughties, the powers that be have decided we need to buy them now. Rageaze is a brand who specialise in 'fabric impregnated with hairdressing solutions such as holding lotion, shine agent, conditioner and serum for frizz control'. Their Twist & Curl Wraps are one such product. Doing the same job as the ones you'd make yourself (except they do add a frizz-ease serum which is a nifty idea), you have to shell out about €6.75 plus shipping, if you'd like to try them out. Plus, there's no mention of them being reusable, which I'd be a bit concerned about.

Me? I think I'll stick with the cutting up auld shirts for free, thanks.