Rate it: Lets Talk Play Time

Rate it: Lets Talk Play Time
By Beaut.ie  | Nov 10, 2009

On Friday I had the very great pleasure of meeting Linda Cantello, who's currently the international makeup artist for the Giorgio Armani brand. But she's more than a mere figurehead: Linda's also involved in the development of new products for the company and I got to take a sneak-peek at launches up to next summer. More about that soon, because here's the topic for today's post: play-time.

"When I started in product development," Linda said, "I had to learn a whole new language!" Along with the familiar-to-bloggers notion of pay-off (the amount of pigment in a product), one of the concepts cosmetics creators deal in is that of play-time - or, in other words, the amount of time you have to work with a product before it sets.


To me, something like Benetint has a short play-time but the silicone-packed Creme de Blush from Yves Saint Laurent gives you quite a while longer to mess about with.

What are your favourite play-time products, and why? Rate 'em in the comments!