Red Alert: Wine Wipes - Wouldya?

Red Alert: Wine Wipes - Wouldya?
By  | Sep 9, 2010

I spotted @ImenM Tweeting last night (by the way, check out her blog, I Married an Irish Farmer, it's great) about wine wipes.

Wine wipes? Intrigued, I clicked on her link, which took me off to the LA Times who'd broken news of searing international importance.

People, gather around; listen up, cos this is a biggie: you can now get specialised wipes to remove wine stains from your teeth. Uses immediately began to spring to mind: sure they'd be really handy for hiding your crippling lunch-time Chianti problem from your colleagues, wouldn't they? Or how about for use when sneaking off to the pub loo after your 6th for-dutch-courage bottle of mini-wine to restore teeth to their former glory, so as to not put off that fella you fancy with your dracula gob?


Hmm, wine wipes are actually starting to make some sense ...

A three-pack of wipes plus shipping costs $25.95 on and they'll send this heretofore undiscovered social life saver to Ireland. So, would you? I'm axing the question and I want an answer in the comments: is this silly auld marketing nonsense or a really clever idea?  And furthermore, are you going to buy?