Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs: Only For Legs...

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs: Only For Legs...
By  | Jun 4, 2009

The fine weather over the long weekend caught me on the hop a little bit. Sure I thought I was all organised on the tan front with my one full body application of Lancome's Flash Bronzer Leg Gel the previous week, but when Sunday rocked around and we were getting set to go to Bloom (rock 'n' roll, no?) I copped that my legs were actually not fit for public display. A little map of broken veins criss-crossed their general corned beef state, and, well, they just didn't look a bit tanned.

So I broke out a pair of latex gloves and a can of Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs, about €15, in the unfortunately named shade Tan Glow (tango, anyone?) and got to work. It's not quite as simple as shake 'n' spray, now: the instructions recommend applying to your hand before blending the colour onto your pins. Himself had a bit of an "a-haaaa" moment when he saw this - apparantly the sister (yes, she of The Great Tweezer Horror of 2009) sprays the stuff directly on her legs and then wonders why they turn wicked patchy and more stripy than a zebra wearing one of this season's nautical tops. (Ok, mostly I'm just jealous of the length of her giraffe-in-a-pair-of-killer-heels legs: even with a questionable tan job they look incredible. Sigh.)

Sally did a cover-up job that was nothing short of miraculous on my less than perfect pins and was dead easy to blend. Things started to go wrong when I realised that my legs and my upper torso were now two completely different colours, and in a true Dr. Pepper moment I grabbed a mitt and started to lash it on to my chest and arms too. Deeelighted with my lovely instant golden hue, I was - until I realised later in the day that the stuff was rubbing off onto every surface I came within spitting distance of. Clothes, car seats, exotic plants, small children - it seemed none were immune from my incredible transferable tan.


I'll definitely use Airbrush Legs again, but only on the recommended body parts.

And I think I'll book Himself's sister in for an intensive one-one-one with Boylan & Balfe STAT...