Taking off your makeup has just got soooo much easier

Taking off your makeup has just got soooo much easier
By Rebecca Todd  | Feb 2, 2017

Hands up who hates taking off their make up at the end of the day? I for one, hate makeup removal.

At the end of a long day all I want to do is climb into my cosy bed so I really resent those few minutes it takes to cleanse (about three times to get all the makeup off) tone and moisturise before bed. The Cleanse Off Mitt (COM) hit bathrooms all over Ireland with a bang this past year, changing the bedtime routines of women nationwide.

It is the brain child of Jennifer Rock AKA The Skin Nerd. This girl is a sort of skin guru so if she says it's OK to us, I'm in! It was included in the gift bags at Pippa's Fashion factories and was sold out everywhere for the best part of last year. But now it's back.

Cleanse off Mitt €4.99


It's so important to take off your makeup and cleanse your face at night. It removes all the air pollution and free radicals that have been attacking your skin all day. Of course it also removes the day's slap which is important for so many reasons.

This baby is like a thin face cloth that goes over your hand. You just soak it in warm water and then rub away all the makeup and dirt and grime from the day. I was skeptical at first but it really removes everything, mascara and all. To clean the mitt after you just use anti bacterial hand wash and it comes up clean as a whistle.

What is your usual skincare routine at bedtime or do you have one?