Talika Lipocils - the eyelash experiment (pt. 2)

Talika Lipocils - the eyelash experiment (pt. 2)
By Beaut.ie  | Mar 19, 2008

I recently wrote about my Talika Lipocils experiment. Two weeks in and I can report that it's definitely working well! That gap in my lashes on one side has filled in and my lashes are generally looking longer and healthier. Talika recommend pushing the product into the base of the lashes as you apply, which I don't do very enthusiastically, as it hurts to stick a mascara brush into my eyelid. I also don't like having too much of the product there, as it gets into my eyes. But just applying it to the lashes starting as close to the base of the lash as possible seems to be working fine, and I experience no sensitivity after applying Lipocils in this way, even at night.


I'll be posting my final report when the recommended 28 days are up, but so far, thumbs up for Talika Lipocils!