The surprising dandruff remedy that you probably already own

The surprising dandruff remedy that you probably already own
By Aisling Powell  | Aug 18, 2016

Dandruff is one of life's greatest irritations. The dry scalp condition can limit our wardrobe choices, create discomfort and can even damage our hair when we try to treat it.

That is why when I heard about this little DIY trick I had to share it with you. The best part is that you probably already have it at home.

All you will need is Listerine (yes, the mouthwash), an empty spray bottle and some water.

Fill your spray bottle half-way up with Listerine and dilute it by adding the water. Fill to the top, give it a good shake and spray your DIY concoction directly onto your roots..


Leave it set for about ten minutes and then rinse well.

The mixture works because Listerine has both antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ingredients like menthol and eucalyptol that kill germs in your mouth, and in that multi-functional way that we all love so much, it can also help soothe a dry, itchy scalp and flakes.

Strange, but effective.

What is your favourite dandruff solution?