Trying & Liking: Soap & Glory's i-Foam Body Wash

Trying & Liking: Soap & Glory's i-Foam Body Wash
By  | Mar 9, 2009

Too lazy to do a full-on body moisturising ritual after every bath or shower? I'm not condoning such shameful behaviour, but sometimes I'm, er, I mean you're just in too much of a rush/the bathroom's just too damn cold to be standing around rubbing in lotions and potions.



So how's about a body wash that simultaneously cleanses and moisturises? Soap & Glory's i-Foam fits that bill perfectly as it contains moisture molecules that burst and release their hydrating contents when massaged into wet skin. Well, that's how I'd describe the process, but Soap & Glory call it the M-SUDS moisture system. Er, right-o. There's also antioxidant grapeseed oil and orange oil in this creamy wash so needless to say it smells deeeeelish. I decided to give in to my inner skeptic and put i-Foam through its paces by only moisturising half my body after a shower with it, and then spent the rest of the day trying to decide whether my moisturised right hand side felt better than my left. It honestly didn't, there was no hint of dryness or flakiness or tightness on any not-moisturised-with-extra-post-shower-moisturiser skin, and it did double duty as a shaving unction. A definite thumbs up from me!

There's currently 1/3 off selected Soap & Glory products at Boots including i-Foam, so this will only set you back a weeny €3.76 rather than the not too hefty €5.65 it usually retails at.