Winter Skin Saviours: Can a €136 Serum from ph Advantage Save Your Skin?

Winter Skin Saviours: Can a €136 Serum from ph Advantage Save Your Skin?
By  | Nov 30, 2009

This piqued my interest when it popped into my inbox last week: claiming to have the highest percentage of hyaluronic acid of any skincare product, ph Advantage's AM/PM Hyaluronic Infusion contains 45% of the stuff. But what's so great about that? This scary-sounding acid is actually a total skin Godsend as it's able to hold many, many times its own weight in water, so it's an excellent hydrator and is often used in moisturisers. Unusually, you use this after your moisturiser, not before.


It's a complete understatement to say it's not cheap at €136 for 51ml,  you'll find it at Harvey Nichols, Dundrum if you've got the cash and think it's the wonder-product for you.