Yes To Carrots Body Butter: Creamy Moisturising Goodness

Yes To Carrots Body Butter: Creamy Moisturising Goodness
By  | Feb 24, 2010

We're big fans of Yes To Carrots here at, and I'm feeling the love for them at the minute because of a whopping great tub of their C Through The Dry Spell Deliciously Rich Body Butter that's been keeping my skin from cracking open. With the weather we've been having - and are still having, at the flipping tail of of February (what gives?) - soothing and ultra-hydrating moisturisers are a must. And this is my current fave.

It takes limbs from embarrassingly shredded-looking to super soft and supple in one sweep, courtesy no doubt of key ingredient shea butter, which is rich in vitamins A and E. Easily absorbed and non-greasy, its effects are nonetheless really long lasting. I haven't applied it in a couple of days now but my shins are still lovely and silky and flake-free from the last application.


All that together with organic ingredients, anti-oxidants, and a lack of parabens make this a powerhouse of a product. And with a price tag of  only €10.99, it's a bit of a bargain too.