Chokers. They're Really Back. Miriam O'Callaghan Even Sported One

Chokers. They're Really Back. Miriam O'Callaghan Even Sported One
By  | Apr 2, 2015

The entire country (those on twitter anyway) found themselves gripped by a frenzied debate as to whether it was a '90s resurgent fashion statement too far.

First there was Cheryl's Rachel style hair cut, there's pink Gwen Stefani here, now there's this. We shudder to think what's coming next. Spice Girl platform shoes? Or... floppy velvet hats?

Anyway, the general consensus was...


In response to the inevitable onslaught, Miriam responded with:

 And, if you fancy getting one for yerself...

There's a saying that goes "if you remember it the first time around, you're too old to wear it the second time around" - or something to that effect. In this case, that's not true. She looks just as good as Wigfield (dancing is mandatory. We won't judge.)

Chokers. Did you indulge back in the day? I had a black velvet one, but had to relegate it 'cause it really highlighted the downey neck. As for the one Miriam is sporting - no chance; wearing one of them with a fuzzy neck makes for an inadvertent and pretty unpleasant threading experience.